How to get attention to my profiles in matrimonial sites?
The first impression is the best impression, A good photo is certainly necessary for any matrimonial profile. People don’t waste time reading every profile. You need to initiate them to read your profile and the simple idea to do so is to have a good photograph.
Don’t try to show off your vocabulary that one needs to use a dictionary to understand. Language should be understandable by others. Writing about what kind of person you are in 2-3 simple sentences is good enough.
Fair or unfair, people tend to check your family status, income, and some fields which you have skipped to answer intentionally or feeling unnecessary. Some people try to skip Parents’ names and family details, Astrological details, occupation, income, and some even on proper partner preferences. Members looking at such profiles certainly will have a feeling it as fake or something fishy.
So, try to fill in the maximum details on your profile and a few good photos to get noticed.
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