Why do new generation brides don’t like Joint Families?

Why do new generation brides don’t like Joint Families?

Q & ACategory: MatrimonyWhy do new generation brides don’t like Joint Families?
Parushuram asked 5 years ago

1 Answers
Admin Staff answered 5 years ago

The essence of the joint families are lost long back. Most of the new generation brides and grooms have not acquainted living in large families. With the development of big cities, Small families with one or two children have started blooming a few generations ago. It is highly difficult to get adjusted for anyone who was not brought up in such an environment.

It’s unfair to blame any girl or boy for it, as society has become self-centric and have stopped teaching the valuable lessons of life.  Support, Love and good virtues in the nuclear families are finding it difficult to stay.

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