I am a Divorcee, Do I stand a chance to get an unmarried Groom.

I am a Divorcee, Do I stand a chance to get an unmarried Groom.

Q & ACategory: MatrimonyI am a Divorcee, Do I stand a chance to get an unmarried Groom.
Shruthi asked 5 years ago
I am 27, my marriage lasted only a few days. My parents are forcing me for a second marriage. What is the chance of getting an unmarried groom?

1 Answers
Admin Staff answered 5 years ago
Answer to this question depends on your age and the age group of the bride /groom you are looking for. 

You are still 27 and at this age, Groom or parents accepting a divorcee is very hard. Without some hard reason, any groom of this age will not agree to marry a divorcee/widow(er). Though it is an individual choice, you may need to ascertain him if someone agrees.

You better consult and discuss this with any marriage counselor.

You can also consult us with an appointment for free counseling at our Bangalore office.

Please call on 8105626363 for an appointment.

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